![]() You only have 20 minutes so you don't have time to mess around! This workout gets right into it, and within the first few minutes, you'll feel your blood flowing and your breath heavy. Since you only need a pair of dumbbells, it's the perfect workout to do at home or the gym when you want to get in an intense workout that targets every part of your body and leaves you sore tomorrow. This 20-minute CrossFit workout is an AMRAP, which means "as many rounds as possible." So set the timer for 20 minutes and don't stop until the time is up! Jade Jenny, head CrossFit coach and owner of Champlain Valley CrossFit, says AMRAP workouts are meant to push your pace, to be competitive with yourself, and to see how many rounds you can get. Complete this workout, write down how many rounds you get through in your fitness journal, and the next time you do it, see if you can get in more reps! 20-Minute Home CrossFit Workout Equipment needed: Pair of medium-weight dumbbells (six to 20 pounds). Have two sets on hand so you can use the heavier pair for the exercises that are easier. Directions: After a five-minute dynamic warmup, complete the below AMRAP workout until 20 minutes are up, with no rest in between exercises. Aim to get at least eight rounds. If you need more details on each exercise, see the instructions ahead. After the workout, be sure to do a cooldown, such as these leg stretches or grab a foam roller for your legs and butt. Burpees -
Lower into a crouching squat with your hands on the floor. Do a squat thrust by jumping your feet back into a plank position. Do one basic push-up, bending the elbows and then straightening back to a plank. Jump the feet forward to the hands, and come into a squat. Do an explosive jump straight up, getting as much height as you can. Do five burpees. |