The "Scary Times" Success Manual
The message we continually get from our advisers, coaches and mentors is : Stay positive and optimistic. Don't fall into the herd mentality. Keep investing in your future. Focus on the beauty and good things in the world and your life.
A trusted and well know coach, Dan Sullivan, wrote a very powerful article our team wanted to share with you. We know this will be timely for you, and may be something you want to share with others.
A trusted and well know coach, Dan Sullivan, wrote a very powerful article our team wanted to share with you. We know this will be timely for you, and may be something you want to share with others.
We encourage you to take some time to reflect in your journal. Write about what you're grateful for. Pay attention to the good in your life. Continue to refine your vision. You need space to get clarity, and right now, you've got space. Take it. Have an amazing day. Stay safe out there.