Here are three "Keys to Success" that you can use no matter what stage of life you are in and regardless of what you consider “success” to be. Pretty much every person on the planet wants to know the KEYS TO SUCCESS. How you define what success means may be totally different from how someone else does, but, chances are, you both want it. ?
It’s something that’s ingrained in us from when we are young and feel like we have to get straight “A”s on our report card–maybe for approval, or maybe for our own internal reasons. As we get older, our ideas of success change but it’s generally still something that drives us to some degree, making us feel like we have to do this or that thing to be successful. Here are Three Keys to Success that you can use no matter what stage of life you are in and regardless of what you consider “success” to be. #1 KEY TO SUCCESS: FIGURE OUT YOUR WHY This one is listed first because it’s probably the most important. Sometimes we get so caught up in doing that we don’t stop to ask ourselves “Why is this important to me?” The answer to that question will help you determine how to define success for that particular project or thing you want to do. If it’s a business project and your why is “I want to take my family on a vacation!” then that will motivate you much more to earn an extra $1000 this month than simply saying “I need an extra thousand bucks this month.” Here is a great Ted Talk from Simon Sinek that talks about figuring out your why!
One surefire way to NOT succeed is to set out to do something and then neglect to periodically do a check-in. Using the example above, if your goal is to earn an extra $1000 this month, it’s not a good idea to wait until the 29th of the month to see where you are with meeting that goal. You need to do a weekly check-in to see how you are progressing. If you see that you are not on target to meet the goal, you can adjust your game plan and figure out what you need to do to ensure you are successful in meeting that particular goal. If you only made $200 extra during the first week, you are on target to earn an extra $800 for the month which means you will fall short of the goal. What can you do in week 2 to ramp things up and ensure success? #3 KEY TO SUCCESS: REMEMBER: “THEY” DON’T KNOW WHAT THEY’RE TALKING ABOUT We’ve all heard it. “They say you shouldn’t do that.” Or “You know what they say. You need to …” Well, guess what? No one knows who “they” even is. Trust your own intuition rather than going along with what “they” say. You know your project better than anyone else whether it’s doubling your business revenue or cleaning out your closet.
I hope these success tips help you achieve whatever it is you call success. According to Bob Proctor (Magic in Your Mind), hard work and intelligence are not the only things necessary for success. Your imagination, intuition, will, perception, memory, and reason (your mental faculties) play a huge role in how successful you become. To bridge the gap between lack of success and success, utilize those six mental faculties. Check out Bob’s program, Magic in Your Mind, today to see if it contains success tips you are looking for. Please feel free to read my review of Magic in Your Mind. I sincerely hope this article, “Success Tips 3 Ways to Finally Be Successful” has helped you on your journey to success.
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Written, Compiled & Edited byThe Bergen Review Media Team Archives
January 2025