A team with high emotional intelligence tends to perform better than one composed only of the smartest people in the company.
Say you're putting together a team to tackle a critical project for your business. How do you decide whom to assign to this essential work? Do you find the smartest people in the company and put them all on the problem? Or do you look for some other balance of skills and background? Entrepreneurs and other leaders struggle with this dilemma all the time. Helpfully, new research conducted by Harvard researchers and released by the National Bureau of Economic Research offers concrete guidance. EQ beats IQ for teamwork. The setup for the research was simple. The researchers recruited 255 volunteers and then evaluated them using standard tests of intelligence and personality before assigning them to work in groups to solve tricky problems. The research team then looked to see what traits among members predicted outstanding performance by the group. High IQ, it turns out, wasn't correlated with better outcomes. What was? As Sarah Todd highlighted on Quartz recently, the key variable that supercharged a group's performance was having members with particularly high emotional intelligence (EQ) as measured by a common psychological test that has subjects guess people's emotions from looking at their faces. Why did socially sensitive types boost performance more than big brains? The researchers found that those with high EQ were far better at keeping their teams on task and working efficiently. They also seem to motivate their team members to work more diligently when they're completing individual work. Studies agree: EQ is underrated. The bottom line here is pretty clear: When you're putting together a team, make sure you consider emotional skills as much if not more than intellectual ones. But while the takeaway is straightforward, it might meet resistance from some bosses more used to valuing the individual contributions of team members. If that's you, it could be helpful to know that this one study isn't an outlier. Google research found EQ matters more than IQ or technical competence for becoming a successful manager. Research out of Columbia suggests the ROI on working to improve your EQ is far higher than that for working to get smarter. And a Yale study showed those with high EQ make dramatically better decisions. So next time you've got a knotty problem to solve don't just look to the smartest people in the room. Instead, prioritize social skills when putting together your team and you're likely to see better results faster than if you just focus on IQ alone. This article first appeared on Inc. The opinions expressed here by bergenreview.com columnists are their own, not those of Bergen Review Media
Lenape Trail Is A 2-And-A-Half Mile Hike In New Jersey That’s Accessible For People Of All Ages10/22/2021 Good news for the people of New Jersey because hiking is an incredibly fun activity that lets you get outside and enjoy the fresh air and beauty of nature. Of course, sometimes age or ability limits the hike options — or maybe you just aren’t in the mood for something strenuous. That’s where the Lenape Trail comes in. Lenape Trail is the perfect hike for people who are looking to really soak up the peace and quiet of nature. Located in Lenape Park, the trail is paved, wheelchair accessible, and only has a 62-foot incline. No huffing and puffing here. Parents, rejoice: You can easily take your stroller with you on this trail. People of all ages and abilities will enjoy the Lenape Trail hike. The out-and-back trail is a little over two and a half miles long and takes you through a pretty forest. There is a beautiful pond you walk past at one point. As you can see, there are plenty of birds here! You will definitely have the option to spot wildlife on this hike. Is that a little waterfall we spot? Our favorite hikes always feature some falling water, after all. It's just so pretty and peaceful out here. Take the time to really admire your surroundings in Lenape Park. One of the best parts is the trail is beautiful no matter what the weather. Thank the New Jersey seasons! You can truly access this trail all year round.
Oh, and when we said this trail was accessible for everyone — we also meant furry friends. Dogs are welcome to accompany you on the hike! Address: Lenape Park, 130 Kenilworth Blvd, Cranford, NJ 07016, USA by Kati Pereira from Positive Mindset
We spend our days online more and more each day, so it’s important to keep that space as simple and clutter-free as possible. Because digital clutter can provide a large distraction that can really hinder your productivity and happiness. Tips for Digital Minimalism: Your Computer
Step two: unsubscribe from newsletters you don’t read. Only follow the newsletters from bloggers or companies you’re truly passionate about. Step 3: organize messages into folders (and subfolders) to organize the emails you do need to keep.
Step 2: Organize documents into folders. Step 3: Organize programs for cloud storage like Dropbox or Google Drive.
Step 2: Organize into folders so you can easily find them. This can save you a lot of time in the long run. Your Phone
Step 2: Reorganize your apps in folders. Step 3: Turn off unnecessary notifications
Step 2: Clean out your follower’s list on every platform. Unfollow accounts you don’t enjoy anymore. Step 3: Unsubscribe from groups or pages that you don’t use. Step 4: Turn off unnecessary notifications.
Step 2: Select a meaningful wallpaper.
Here you have some simple tips to bring digital minimalism into your digital life! Hope you liked this post! I recently turned 24 years, and I decided to spend time reflecting on what I learned over the past years of my life. I don’t feel like 24 in my mind, and let me tell you, my life is not what I pictured it would be like when I was a kid.
Turning 24 just doesn’t feel like anything major, but I will have to say, looking back I do feel I’ve had a major shift in terms of my outlook on many things. So, I decided to reflect on 24 life lessons I’ve learned over these years. 1.✨Don’t compare your path with others You don’t have to do things the way others do. You are not them, and they are not you. You won’t get the same results they have because you have your own strengths, skills, and voice. You have your own journey. 2.✨Friends come and go You’ll lose friends and that’s okay. All the people that enter our life have a purpose, they teach us lessons and they leave when the lesson has been taught. Your true friends will stick around until the end. 3.✨You can’t please everyone Stop trying, it’s impossible! And very exhausting. So just do whatever feels right for you, you’ll become a lot happier. 4.✨Your thoughts become your reality If you think you can’t do something or you’re not good enough, you’ll be less likely to take action. Try to switch your mindset and think that you can achieve anything you want. 5.✨Get smart with your money Learn about investing and saving. Don’t spend your money on unnecessary things. Make yourself a budget. You never know when your financial situation can change. 6.✨ It’s okay to feel emotions There were days I felt depressed, anxious, and sad for no reason. And other days, I felt amazing, happy, and grateful. There’s no right or wrong way to feel. It’s okay to feel sad and it’s okay to feel happy. But learn when you’re ready to release those “bad” feelings. You can choose how you want to feel. 7.✨ Your mistakes don’t define you Learn from them, acknowledge them, then let them go and try again. 8. ✨Don’t be afraid to be yourself There is only one you. You’re unique and the worlds deserve to see your authentic you. 9. ✨We rise by lifting others If you help someone feel good, you feel good. Give, support, encourage, share, and love. This can really change the world. 10.✨ Focus on your breath on the hardest times In times of stress, overwhelm, anxiety, anger, or fear you can always come back to your breath to connect to yourself. The key is to notice and pay attention to when you need to take a step back. 11.✨Human connection is so important Make the most out of every interaction since you never know when things could change. Spend time with people you love and tell them what they mean to you. 12.✨ Change is necessary Growth doesn’t happen when you’re comfortable, remember that. Push past your safe space and take a chance. Grab all new opportunities! 13.✨Take care of your body and mental health Make time for yourself, drink your water, fill your body with the nutrients he needs, sleep, do things you love, dance, smile, speak up if you’re unhappy, change situations that affect your mental state negatively. Make sure you’re okay and if you’re not, ask for help. 14.✨It’s okay if you don’t have it all figured out yet I realized that we all have our own journeys and timelines. It’s okay if you are still figuring out what you want in life. And don’t compare your life to others, this only leads to frustration and self-doubt. Everything happens when it’s supposed to happen. 15.✨You are capable of more than you think For example, I’ve never imagined that I would be able to work for myself and turning what I do into a career. This proves that we are all capable of more than we think. 16.✨Everything happens for a reason Everything really happens for a reason, always. Even your darkest days. They come to teach you and to prove to you how strong and capable you are. 17.✨Time heals It may feel like things aren’t going to get better, but they always will in the end. 18.✨Communication is key Mostly on relationships. If you want a healthy and happy relationship you need to communicate with one another. 19.✨Be grateful Practice gratitude every day. Focus on the amazing things you do have rather than what you don’t. 20.✨Pain is almost inevitable Physical pain, emotional pain…Everyone is going to experience pain at some point in their lives. Don’t try to hide from pain, but don’t let it take over your life. 21.✨Be present Make sure you’re there in the moment when you’re with someone. When you’re on a walk or doing something you enjoy. Put your phone away and give them your full attention. 22.✨Pets make life so much better We don’t deserve animals. They are such a light in our lives. I personally love dogs. They love us unconditionally and they fill our homes with so much love and happiness! 23.✨Never forget to be kind You never know what someone else may be going through, so always be kind. 24.✨It is okay to ask for help Don’t be ashamed or embarrassed to ask for help. Your loved ones will surely want to help you, you just have to ask. And if their support is not strong enough, look for a therapist. Just take care of yourself. Article by Kati Pereira How you approach life says a lot about who you are. To succeed in life, you must be in a constant state of adaptation — continually unlearning old ‘rules’, relearning new ones and doing more of what makes you come alive.
Written, Compiled & Edited byThe Bergen Review Media Team Archives
January 2025